Getting a divorce can be a difficult process for a Parker resident, especially when they must manage the health and happiness of their children as well as themselves during the dissolution of their marriage. The decision to file for divorce may not be an easy one and when the time comes to file the proper pleadings with the court, an individual may not be sure of just what to do. Working with a trusted attorney is a good way to avoid issues as a person moves through their divorce.
When it comes to preparing a pleading, though, Colorado residents can take comfort in knowing that only one grounds for divorce is recognized in the state: the irretrievable breakdown of a marriage. This no-fault basis for ending a marriage is the only thing that a person must demonstrate in order to secure the legal severing of their relationship to their spouse.
In the past, Colorado residents and individuals who lived in other jurisdictions could or had to use bases of fault to get divorced. Allegations of adultery, cruelty, abuse, and oth
ers may have been offered in divorce pleadings to justify parties’ desires to get out of their marriages. Now, though, these often private matters can stay out of pleadings and sometimes divorces to protect the privacy of the parties.
Even though only one basis for divorce is recognized in Colorado, this does not mean that every divorce in the state will look or feel the same. Divorce is personal and can be tough to manage on one’s own. Readers who wish to secure support as they end their marriages are encouraged to reach out to divorce attorneys in their communities.