Although some people still use cash and checks to make purchases and pay their bills, many Colorado residents use online banking and bill pay to handle their financial affairs. Aside from not having to wait to have their payments transferred to their lenders and financial institutions, online bankers enjoy the benefit of electronic records that document when, where, and how much money was sent out of their accounts. These records can be invaluable resources when conflicts arise regarding whether certain bills and obligations have been satisfied.
In terms of family law commitments, alimony is one of the most significant ongoing matters that can bind two formerly married people together. Since emotions can run high in the wake of a divorce, it is not uncommon for former partners to spar over lingering issues, and those issues can include whether or not alimony has been paid. Just as online records can help individuals stay ahead of their bills, certain records can protect alimony payers and recipients when conflicts come up.
Payers should keep records of when they send money to their exes, including from which accounts those payments originated and what format those payments took on. Conversely, recipients of alimony should record when they have money in hand from their former spouses and the amount of money each payment includes. This can be important for many reasons, including the fact that when payers become delinquent with their payments they may be subject to enforcement efforts.
Legal conflicts are often settled with evidence, and good records can be excellent evidence when it comes to whether or not alimony has been paid. For help with alimony problems and other post-divorce legal dilemmas, readers are encouraged to discuss their concerns with their trusted family law and divorce attorneys.