While a college degree is a valuable asset, obtaining that degree is not usually cheap. Many college students need to take out loans to finance their education. Unfortunately, the costs of a college education have risen significantly in recent years and obtaining a...
Empathy And Experience In Bankruptcy, Family Law And Estate Planning
Month: July 2018
How to plan a trip with your child after divorce
A divorce will change your life in many ways, including how you rear your child(ren). While co-parenting is easier said than done, once you settle into a groove with your arrangement, you'll find that you can maintain a strong relationship with your child. If you're...
Property division in Colorado may be more complex than you think
Some people in Colorado may think that property division in a divorce is simple -- each party simply walks away with half of their shared assets. However, the reality of property division is much more complex. First of all, Colorado is an equitable division state....
Prenups can be useful for couples of any age
First comes love, then comes ... the prenup? Actually, for millennial couples in Colorado and nationwide getting ready to walk down the aisle, premarital agreements (also known as prenuptial agreements) are becoming less taboo. Premarital agreements outline how the...
Does federal law apply to non-court foreclosure proceedings?
When a person in Colorado is facing the possibility of foreclosure, their lender may first try to collect on the debt in a variety of ways. However, debt collectors cannot try to collect on the debt by any means possible. Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act,...