Losing daily facetime with one’s child can be the hardest aspect of divorce or separation for a Colorado parent. An individual may be used to picking their child up from school each day and having time to love and communicate with them in the comfort of their own home. When the end of a marriage threatens a parent’s capacity to be with their child, they may worry about how they will maintain their connection with their kid.
Many parents fixate on how the physical custody of their children will be determined by the courts. This aspect of custody relates to where a child will live. It can be shared by both parents or assigned exclusively to one parent during a separation or divorce. However, parental responsibilities can also concern the rights of a parent to be involved in important decisions that will affect their child, as well as time they may secure with their child in the form of visitation.
Parents who retain legal custody of their kids can stay involved in the educational, religious, and medical choices that will impact their children’s lives. Parents who cannot serve as physical custodians of their kids can fight for visitation time, both in person and through virtual visitation, with the children they love and support.
A parent’s responsibilities generally do not end when they choose to separate or divorce their spouse. Custody is more than just fighting over where a child will live once their parents decide to end their relationship. Family law attorneys can give their clients a full explanation of their important parental responsibilities and what options they may have to preserve their important relationships with their kids.